Sunday, April 17, 2011

Backyard Theater Screen

The days of drive-in movie theaters are all but gone. But new technology has made it possible for you to project big screen movies in your own back yard. We don’t sell the movie projectors but we do have all the pieces to build your own backyard movie screen. This is a great family project that stores easily when not in use. The size you build is up to you. We have designs for an 8 ft X 10 ft and a 10 ft X 20 ft on our Outdoor Theater Screen web site but since you cut the tubing to put these together you can easily customize these to be any size you like.

Outdoor theaters can be great fun for the family and neighbors but they are also great for Churches, community gatherings and pool side movies. We would love to hear of the ways you plan to use your outdoor theater.

If you are new to backyard theaters there is a lot of information on the web about different types of screens and how to choose your projector and audio equipment. My favorites sites are:
Digital Dummies - Creating Your Own "Screen on the Green" – This site is one chapter out of the book “Home Theaters for Dummies”. This book is an excellent starting point for anyone building an indoor or outdoor home theater.

Back Yard Theater – Here you can look at all kinds of different screens and projector setups. The forum is packed with ideas on backyard theaters. This is a great place to ask your questions. If you want to find out what they are saying about our company just search for . - Outdoor theater ideas and forum.

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